BAIT - definitie. Wat is BAIT
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Wat (wie) is BAIT - definitie

Baiting; Bait (disambiguation); Baits; Baited; Baiting (Internet); Bait (film)

(baits, baiting, baited)
Bait is food which you put on a hook or in a trap in order to catch fish or animals.
If you bait a hook or trap, you put bait on it or in it.
He baited his hook with pie...
The boys dug pits and baited them so that they could spear their prey.
VERB: V n with n, V n
To use something as bait means to use it to trick or persuade someone to do something.
Service stations use petrol as a bait to lure motorists into the restaurants and other facilities...
Television programmes are essentially bait to attract an audience for advertisements.
N-UNCOUNT: also a N
If you bait someone, you deliberately try to make them angry by teasing them.
He delighted in baiting his mother.
= needle
If you take the bait, you react to something that someone has said or done exactly as they intended you to do. The expression rise to the bait is also used, mainly in British English.
When she attempts to make you feel guilty, don't take the bait...
PHRASE: V inflects
·vi A light or hasty luncheon.
II. Bait ·vt To furnish or cover with bait, as a trap or hook.
III. Bait ·vi Anything which allures; a lure; enticement; temptation.
IV. Bait ·vt To give a portion of food and drink to, upon the road; as, to bait horses.
V. Bait ·vi To flap the wings; to flutter as if to fly; or to hover, as a hawk when she stoops to her prey.
VI. Bait ·vi A portion of food or drink, as a refreshment taken on a journey; also, a stop for rest and refreshment.
VII. Bait ·vi To stop to take a portion of food and drink for refreshment of one's self or one's beasts, on a journey.
VIII. Bait ·vt To provoke and harass; ·esp., to harass or torment for sport; as, to bait a bear with dogs; to bait a bull.
IX. Bait ·vi Any substance, ·esp. food, used in catching fish, or other animals, by alluring them to a hook, snare, inclosure, or net.
1) to hold out, offer; put out, set out bait
2) to nibble at; swallow, take the bait
3) to rise to the bait
4) tempting bait



Bait may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BAIT
1. in bait and switch ...
2. the bait ball.
Kick the Bad Work Habits that Masquerade as Virtues _ Jake Breeden _ Talks at Google
3. or using them for bait-- they're great bait for everything--
California Coast Sea Forager's Guide _ Kirk Lombard _ Talks at Google
4. The click bait headline.
Digital Etiquette - The Future of Good Manners _ Victoria Turk _ Talks at Google
5. and have the bait.
Deep Sea Exploration in Homemade Submarines _ Karl Stanley _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BAIT
1. CORNYN: ‘DON‘T TAKE THE BAIT‘ "Don‘t take the bait," Cornyn said in his prepared statement.
2. Democrats counseled Obama against taking the bait.
3. Tempting bait÷ Spurs‘ Irish striker Robbie Keane Newcastle could be tempted by the bait of Robbie Keane if Tottenham propose a part–exchange deal for Jermaine Jenas.
4. A few minutes later, something really big grabs Chris‘s bait.
5. Yishai took the bait, and alarmed, withdrew the proposal.